How much water do we use?


Typical water-use patterns vary according to geography, climate, lot size and other factors. As a general rule, per capita water use is higher in hotter, inland regions such as here in the Sacramento area compared to the cooler conditions found along the coast.

Before our recent 5 year drought, the average household in the Sacramento region used 380 gallons a day.

Typically 65% (∼250 gallons) of a household’s water is used outdoors leaving about 35% (∼130 gallons) for indoor use.

How do you use water at home?

Are you overwatering your lawn?

How do you know you are overwatering?                                      

  • Taking a 10 minute shower … 25-40 gallons
  • Drinking … 1/2 gallon
  • Leaking toilet (per day) … 60 gallons
  • Washing clothes … 35 – 50 gallons
  • Washing the car … 50 gallons
  • Brushing your teeth … 2 – 5 gallons
  • Watering the lawn and yard … 180 gallons
  • Flushing the toilet (once) … 1.6 – 7 gallons

     Water Saving Tips


  1.  Install high efficiency toilets and clothes washers.
  2. Take 5 minutes showers instead of 10 minute showers.
  3. Fix leaky toilets, shower heads and faucets.


  1. Utilize the “Soak Cycle.” Watering twice a week will encourage your plant to invest in deeper roots. Plus, staggering the run times in multiple short run times on your watering days will maximize the amount of water held at roots while minimizing runoff.
  2. Adjust sprinklers to reduce overspray and runoff.
  3. Add 2 to 3 inches of organic mulch around trees and plants to reduce evaporation.
  4. Check our Landscape page for more outdoor tips.

For Tips inside and outdoor use, please visit: